Preventative Dentistry

Preventative Dentistry in Hadleigh, we'd love to help

Preventive dentistry is the modern approach to reducing the amount of dental treatment required to maintain a healthy mouth and help keep your teeth for life. This is why at Hadleigh Dental & Cosmetic Centre we are passionate about providing our patients with the skills a knowledge required to put themselves ahead of the issues.

Tooth loss primarily results from gum disease and decay. A proactive approach to the management of these causes, therefore, increases the opportunity for prevention.

Whilst it is the ideal way to manage the oral healthcare of children and young adults, it is the recommended approach for everyone – including people with false teeth who can benefit through the early identification of conditions like mouth cancer and denture stomatitis.

Through recommended treatment and a maintenance plan, the combined efforts of the dentist, hygienist and patient can help prevent the need for treatment and so avoid the historical pattern of fillings and extractions.

"I Love my New Smile!"


We Remain Open

In light of the latest government announcement on the 4th January 2021, we will remain open during lockdown 3.0.

Our patient and staff safety is of the highest importance to us. We continue to follow strict protocols within the practice using the correct PPE.

If you have an appointment already booked, please attend as normal unless you or someone in your household is experiencing any Covid 19 symptoms, then please call us to rearrange.

If you have any urgent questions, please feel free to get in touch with our team who are always happy to answer any of your questions or concerns.